OTB's Fireplace Adventure Continued 12/31/10

I forgot to mention in yesterday's blog that it snowed all day and was still snowing when we went to bed. We woke up this morning to about six inches of gloreous white snow. It's funny that it is gloreous white snow in Moab and it is da%$ snow in Ogden. Go figure.

I guess most people's definition of morning is that time of the day when the sun is just starting to peak over the horizon and sky is that pretty shade of pale blue with pink and gold streaks running across it. Thankfully Clark's "See you in the morning" coincides with our definition. Technically it's still morning before noon, right?

Clark showed up this morning with his sawzall, but much to his surprise the cabinets and shelves didn't require the sawzall to extract them. Instead all that was needed was the electric screwdriver. Bada bing, badda boom out came the shelves.

On that note, it was quite evident that Clark had everything under control and he would be able to get things knocked out alot quicker if he didn't have to contend with my incessant babbling. Joe and I took the boys to run a couple of quick errands and then we went to play in the two feet of snow Mother Nature so graciously dumped on Sand Flats.

WARNING: No animals were harmed in any way during the shooting of these photographs.


See I told you no one got hurt.

Now it's 'Cuda's turn to fly.


I'm flying!


It's my turn to fetch!!

I am a frosty pooch.

Look at my frosty chin.

Nothing like warming up in an electric blanket after playing in the snow!

The vistas never get old!!!

We came home to find Clark's workmanship was up to speed as usual.

A little more playing in the snow in the backyard was in order for the boys before it got dark.

While waiting to ring in the New Year it's a nippy -2 degrees outside. Come to think of it, an electric blanket is sounding pretty good to me about now.

Here's to a Happy New Year to all my family and friends.


Unknown said…
Great snow pix...but where was Chef?

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