More of the Moab casa has been closed in since our last visit. The casa and west deck has a covered roof and the propane tank has been installed.
On a side note the last three photos were taken at the Utah Department of Agriculture hemp pilot program. This hemp farm is about a 1/2 mile down the street from the house we are staying in while our casa is being built. They planted the hemp farm around the beginning of July. I knew this farm had to be something special because after the dirt was tilled they laid the black plastic over the entire area and then hand planted each plant. At the time I could not tell what they were planting but thought it was interesting they were taking such care with the tiny plants. This trip the hemp plants were big enough to be identified. Pretty wild that hemp farming is actually happening in Utah lol!
Covered Roof on the Casa and West Deck
Covered West Deck
Covered West Deck
View from the Great Room and Dining Room
View of the Covered West Deck from the Arizona Room 
Covered West Deck
Covered West Deck
Covered West Deck
Looking South from the East Deck
Looking North from the East Deck
View of the Great Room, Dining Room, and Kitchen from the East Deck
View of the Arizona Room from the East Deck
Hemp Plant
Hemp Plant Farm
Hard to believe this is in Utah!!!


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